Increase in ITSO flexi-tickets on c2c rail
It was reported in rail industry media this week, that more c2c rail passengers have registered for a new c2c ITSO based Smartcard in the last four weeks than ever before, as more people turn to the benefits of flexi smart travel post-Covid.
Over 3,000 people signed up for the c2c Smartcard in the past month, which is 28% higher than the previous record set two years ago. The spike is thanks to the continued return to the office by commuters, who are travelling in greater numbers than any other time in the last 18 months. c2c has also now made it easier than ever to register for a new Smartcard by removing the need for customers to submit a photo alongside their application.
The high demand for ITSO smartcards is also being driven by the continued popularity of Flexi-Season tickets. The new product was launched earlier this year to provide a ticket specifically designed for part-time commuters, who now work regularly from home as well as in the office. For c2c passengers, using the ITSO based smartcard they can also upload their tickets to the cards by using the c2c Travel app as advertised in their recent campaign "Dynamic Duo". Passengers can “collect” tickets bought online before they even leave home, with no need to queue at the station. The Dynamic Duo campaign runs all autumn to encourage more customers to use their Smartcard and app together.
c2c Commercial Director Clare McCaffrey said: “It’s great to see more and more people return to travelling on c2c, and that they are switching to the Smartcard as they realise it is quicker and easier for them than queuing to buy paper tickets at the station.
“We’ve been listening to our customers and want to make things easier for them. This is why we removed photos from our Smartcards last month, to make the process quicker and simpler. We’re also keen to help customers realise just how much power is at their fingertips when they use the c2c Travel app to manage their Smartcard.”
More information on c2c’s “Dynamic Duo” campaign is available at, while passengers can register for their free new Smartcard at